Challange About AWS SSO User Assignment

In the company, we use AWS SSO for user authentication; when a new user is created from Azure AD, it will automatically synced by AWS IAM Identity Center and Azure AD integration, and then our team will need to handle the SSO user assignment to put them in the required AWS accounts with requested permission sets, it became a pain when such requests coming more frequently and every time an individual user or a whole team with different accounts and permission requirements need to be fulfilled, so how to handle this efficiently become my recent topic.

So far, I have tried shell script and Python script to read the user name, AWS account ID, and permission sets ARN from a CSV file, then complete the task with AWScli. However it is not smart enough when the request or scenario changes. I have to adjust the script everytime.

Managing individual request via Terraform

Let’s start with handling user assignment individually with terraform first. here I have 2 requests:

  1. A user “”, under a group called “AD-RDS-READ-ONLY” in AWS IAM Identity Center, I need to create a permission set in aws account “123456789”, and assign to this user.

  2. The second request is from security team, we have 3 security team members (,,, under a group called “AD-ACM-FULL-ACCESS” in AWS IAM Identity Center, they all need full access for AWS certificate manager access, for all of our 3 AWS accounts (12345678901, 12345678902, and 12345678903).


# For Request 1 for RDS read only access for 1 user in 1 AWS account 

# for AWS in ap-southeast-2
provider "aws" {
 region = "ap-southeast-2"

# Define the AWS SSO Instance ARN
data "aws_ssoadmin_instances" "main" {}

resource "aws_ssoadmin_permission_set" "request1" {
 instance_arn = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.arns[0]
 name         = "RDS-ReadOnly"
 description  = "Read-only access to RDS resources"
 session_duration = "PT1H"

 # Add the policies you need for this permission set
 managed_policies = [

resource "aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment" "request1" {
 instance_arn       = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.arns[0]
 permission_set_arn = aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.request1.arn
 principal_id       = ""
 principal_type     = "USER"
 target_id          = "123456789"  # Replace with your AWS Account ID
 target_type        = "AWS_ACCOUNT"

# Ensure the user is part of the required group
data "aws_identitystore_group" "request1" {
 identity_store_id = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.identity_store_id
 display_name      = "AD-RDS-READ-ONLY"

resource "aws_ssoadmin_group_membership" "request1" {
 identity_store_id = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.identity_store_id
 group_id          = data.aws_identitystore_group.request1.group_id
 user_ids          = [""]

# handle request 2 for ACM full access for whole security team in all 3 AWS accounts 


# use existing file  
# provider "aws" {
#  region = "ap-southeast-2"
# }
# data "aws_ssoadmin_instances" "main" {}

# Create the Permission Set for ACM Full Access
resource "aws_ssoadmin_permission_set" "acm_full_access" {
 instance_arn = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.arns[0]
 name         = "ACM-FullAccess"
 description  = "Full access to AWS Certificate Manager"
 session_duration = "PT1H"

 managed_policies = [

# List of AWS account IDs
# here we use terrafom "locals", "dynamic" and "for_each" to loop SSO user assignment for security team within all AWS accounts 
locals {
 aws_account_ids = ["12345678901", "12345678902", "12345678903"]

# Security team members
locals {
 security_team_members = ["", "", ""]

# Ensure the users are part of the required group
data "aws_identitystore_group" "acm_full_access_group" {
 identity_store_id = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.identity_store_id
 display_name      = "AD-ACM-FULL-ACCESS"

resource "aws_ssoadmin_group_membership" "acm_full_access_membership" {
 identity_store_id = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.identity_store_id
 group_id          = data.aws_identitystore_group.acm_full_access_group.group_id
 user_ids          = local.security_team_members

# Assign the Permission Set to Each User for Each Account
resource "aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment" "acm_full_access_assignments" {
 for_each = { for acc_id in local.aws_account_ids : acc_id => acc_id }

 instance_arn       = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.arns[0]
 permission_set_arn = aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.acm_full_access.arn
 principal_type     = "USER"
 target_type        = "AWS_ACCOUNT"

 dynamic "assignment" {
 for_each = local.security_team_members
 content {
 principal_id = assignment.value
 target_id    = each.key

Terraform Modularity

How about the Terraform module, as I will get different user assignment requests with different permission sets and AWS accounts? I guess a Terraform module for SSO user assignment is the best way to make the Terraform code more clean and reuseable. There are many benefits to infrastructure as code with modularity. It can reduce code duplication, is easy to update, and has a clear code structure, which fits my AWS SSO user assignment task and challenge perfectly.

To achieve this, I will need to create a folder called “sso_user_assignment_module”, inside the folder it will contain:

  • A “” file to define the resources for creating permission sets and assigning them to users.
# modules/sso_account_assignment/

provider "aws" {
 region = var.aws_region

data "aws_ssoadmin_instances" "main" {}

resource "aws_ssoadmin_permission_set" "this" {
 for_each = var.permission_sets

 instance_arn = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.arns[0]
 name         = each.key
 description  = each.value.description
 session_duration = each.value.session_duration

 managed_policies = each.value.managed_policies

resource "aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment" "this" {
 for_each = { for ps_key, ps_value in var.permission_sets : ps_key => ps_value.accounts }

 instance_arn       = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.arns[0]
 permission_set_arn = aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.this[each.key].arn
 principal_type     = "USER"
 target_type        = "AWS_ACCOUNT"

 dynamic "assignment" {
 for_each = each.value.users
 content {
 principal_id = assignment.value
 target_id    = each.value.account_id

data "aws_identitystore_group" "this" {
 for_each = var.groups

 identity_store_id = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.identity_store_id
 display_name      = each.key

resource "aws_ssoadmin_group_membership" "this" {
 for_each = var.groups

 identity_store_id = data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.identity_store_id
 group_id          = data.aws_identitystore_group.this[each.key].group_id
 user_ids          = each.value
  • A “” to define the input variables for the module

provider "aws" {
 region = var.region

variable "sso_instance_arn" {
 description = "The ARN of the AWS SSO instance"
 type    = string

variable "assignments" {
 description = "Map of account IDs to users and their permission sets"
 type    = map(list(object({
 principal_id   = string
 permission_set_arn = string

variable "region" {
 description = "AWS region"
 type    = string
 default  = "ap-southeast-2"

module "sso_account_assignments" {
 source = "./modules/sso_account_assignment"

 for_each    = var.assignments
 sso_instance_arn = var.sso_instance_arn
 account_id   = each.key
 users     = each.value
  • A “” file to define the outputs of the module.
# define outputs of permission_set_arns and group_ids
output "permission_set_arns" {
 value = { for k, v in aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.this : k => v.arn }

output "group_ids" {
 value = { for k, v in data.aws_identitystore_group.this : k => v.group_id }
  • now we need to Create a Terraform configuration that uses this module and set the environment variables accordingly. go back to the root folder, create a root “” file to call the module and pass the necessary variables.
cd ..
# the root file
module "sso_permission_sets" {
 source = "./modules/aws_sso_permission_sets"

 aws_region       = var.aws_region
 permission_sets  = var.permission_sets
 groups           = var.groups

# Optionally output the values
output "permission_set_arns" {
 value = module.sso_permission_sets.permission_set_arns

output "group_ids" {
 value = module.sso_permission_sets.group_ids
  • root “” file to define the input variables for the root configuration.
# the root

variable "aws_region" {
 description = "The AWS region to use."
 type        = string
 default     = "ap-southeast-2"

variable "permission_sets" {
 description = "A map of permission sets with their configurations."
 type = map(object({
 description     = string
 session_duration = string
 managed_policies = list(string)
 accounts        = map(object({
 account_id = string
 users      = list(string)

variable "groups" {
 description = "A map of groups with their associated user emails."
 type        = map(list(string))
  • now is the place we can reuse the module to create the root “terraform.tfvars” which provides the actual values for the variables to define each assignment request. in future we only set each request here as environment variables, and then apply the terraform module.
aws_region = "ap-southeast-2"

permission_sets = {
 # The 1st request RDS read-only permission sets and user assignment redefine in the module using variables
 "RDS-ReadOnly" = {
 description     = "Read-only access to RDS resources"
 session_duration = "PT1H"
 managed_policies = [
 accounts = {
 "123456789" = {
 account_id = "123456789"
 users      = [""]
 # the 2nd request security full access for ACM redefine in the module using variables
 "ACM-FullAccess" = {
 description     = "Full access to AWS Certificate Manager"
 session_duration = "PT1H"
 managed_policies = [
 accounts = {
 "12345678901" = {
 account_id = "12345678901"
 users      = ["", "", ""]
 "12345678902" = {
 account_id = "12345678902"
 users      = ["", "", ""]
 "12345678903" = {
 account_id = "12345678903"
 users      = ["", "", ""]

 # Add 3rd request a developer needs S3 full access for 2 AWS accounts redefine in the module using variables
 "S3-ModifyAccess" = {
 description     = "Modify access to S3 buckets"
 session_duration = "PT1H"
 managed_policies = [
 accounts = {
 "12345678902" = {
 account_id = "12345678902"
 users      = [""]
 "12345678903" = {
 account_id = "12345678903"
 users      = [""]

groups = {
 "AD-RDS-EAD-ONLY" = [""]
 "AD-ACM-FULL-ACCESS" = ["", "", ""]
 # Optionally add a group for the developer, if needed:
 # "AD-S3-Modify-Access" = [""]


Now, we can achieve the task individually via terraform code and a Terraform module to handle the creation of AWS SSO users, This setup combines all three requests into a single Terraform configuration, leveraging the reusable module for creating permission sets and managing user assignments, it is more efficient, dynamically, and reusable. In future, we only define permission sets and maintain new users and assignments in the environment variables .tf file, then run Terraform apply to get the job done. The change also can be tracked when leveraging Git as version control.

Streamlining AWS SSO in Complex Multi-Account Environments